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The X-ray Department is equipped to carry out all types of x-rays ordered in this hospital and is open 24/7. The technicians are on “call” and if need be they are made available under emergency circumstances.

All ECGs are done by the X-Ray Technician during working hours. After the regular working hours, they are done by the R.M.O. who is familiarized with the working of the machine.

X-rays needed by patients admitted in an emergency should be done before admission to the wards. These are kept in the department until the written report is made the next morning.

An X-ray may be ordered by a doctor for various reasons as X-ray technology is effective to be used to examine many parts of the body, including bones, teeth, chest, and abdomen. Some examples of conditions that can be detected through an X-ray include:



3.Bone cancer

4.Lung infections and other conditions of the lungs

5.Breast Cancer

6.Congestive heart failure

7.Blocked blood vessels

8.Digestive tract problems

9.Swallowed items in the digestive system